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Ana Aguilar Hauke @Ana

UX Designer
at one pica space in New York, NY

Available Fulltime www.onepicaspace.com

Product designer with expertise in web for international companies, in-house advertising departments, and advertising agencies. Effective in creating, communicating and executing innovative and pragmatic design solutions under tight deadlines, to build traffic and generate revenue. Reputation for being a flexible, collaborative partner focused on user–centered design, attention to detail; elegant in the use of color and typography. Capabilities include: CS (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator), Sketch, InVision, and markup: HTML, CSS. 

Online Portfolio: www.onepicaspace.com
☎ 347 579 3459


John Varvatos, Kohl, Spiegel Brands, NBC Sports, Citigroup,


Human Centered Research Methods, Drawing, Rapid Prototyping, Patterns development, Sketch, Invision, Abobe CS, Keynote. Presentation


English, Spanish, German,

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